A Super Bowl with the most pressure: Minnesota Vikings vs. Buffalo Bills

The Vikings and the Bills both have 0-4 Super Bowl records. What would happen if they met in the title game?

Losing a championship game – especially your fourth Super Bowl – can be pretty awful, but at least New England Patriots fans can take some solace in the fact their team has also won three Super Bowls. The Denver Broncos have two wins, somewhat making up for their four losses. However, the Bills and the Vikings don’t have any victories to go along with their four defeats. Buffalo lost all four of their Super Bowls in consecutive years. Yikes.

So what would be a pressure-packed Super Bowl in 2013? Minnesota versus Buffalo. One would be the first team in NFL history to lose five Super Bowls. What’s worse, the loser still would not have any wins in the big game. People would be talking about it for two weeks prior to Super Sunday. Television ratings for the game might go even higher than this past year.

For fans of the Bills and Vikings, the stress of this game would be immense, probably more so than for the players. I would not be surprised if many of the players weren’t even aware of their franchise’s history, and wouldn’t know much about the significance of the game until after it was over.

But fans know. Players and coaches come and go, but fans remain. A fifth Super Bowl loss without a win for the Vikings or Bills might finally send some of us looking for something else to do with our Sundays in the fall.

Why doesn’t the NFL let teams try to block extra points?

The NFL reportedly is considering doing away with the extra point attempt after a team scores a touchdown. While it is true that it has become almost automatic for kickers to make the extra point, it is also true that players on the defending side make zero effort to try and block the kick.

Why not let defenses line up all eleven guys and put some effort into making a block? Guys in the middle could jump high, guys next to them try to break through, guys on the end try to use speed to come around the edge, make a dive and block the kick.

Right now no one is allowed to line up across from the center, which is silly. One guy in the middle might put up his arm, but the other ten defenders just stand around and watch. That’s dumb.

Also a blocked extra point could be made returnable – make it so that the defending team can pick it up and run it back for a touchdown, just like a field goal.

Back in the 1970’s the Minnesota Vikings made blocking kicks an art form. The powers that be in the NFL need to learn their history. Blocking kicks can become an important part of the game. One point can sometimes mean the difference winning and losing.

Will the Denver Broncos be the first team to lose 5 Super Bowls?

The pressure is on the Denver Broncos.

While the franchise has two Super Bowl victories to its credit, it has also lost four – tying the Buffalo Bills and Minnesota Vikings for most Super Bowl losses in NFL history.

So Peyton Manning and company are facing the added stress of not becoming the first team to lose five Super Bowls. Certainly fans of the Bills and Vikings will be rooting for the Seahawks on February 2.

The Broncos are up against a Seattle team that has dominated opponents all year, so a win will not come easily. Manning will have to put up a lot of points and the Bronco defense will have to resemble that of its “Orange Crush” heyday to come away with a victory in the Super Bowl.

Ranking the head coaches in Minnesota Vikings history

 With Mike Zimmer now the 9th head coach in the Minnesota Vikings’ 53 year history, let’s take a look at his predecessors who have led Purple Gang in the past. How do they rank, from best to worst?


1)   Bud Grant – An easy choice for the top spot, Grant served the most games as the Vikings’ head coach, from 1967-1985. His 1994 Hall of Fame induction was long overdue; he deserved to be enshrined within two years of his retirement in 1986. Grant’s regular season record of 158-96-5 and winning percentage of .622 ranks 13th all-time among NFL head coaches, ahead of Joe Gibbs, Hank Stram, and Mike Ditka. Grant’s teams won the NFC Central Division 11 times in his 18 years. He once stated, “Offense sells tickets but defense wins ballgames,” and his defenses were often ranked first in the league from 1968-1977, giving up the least points and yardage of any team. Grant’s 10-12 post-season record isn’t great, and the obvious blemish on his credentials is the Vikes’ four Super Bowl losses. Joe Kapp, quarterback of the 1969 team, stated that Grant didn’t have the team well-prepared to face the Chiefs in Super Bowl IV. There was also the release of Alan Page in 1978, with Page going on to have three more outstanding years with the Bears. Grant did benefit from some of former general manager Jim Finks’ excellent draft choices (outstanding players such as Carl Eller, Ron Yary, and Chuck Foreman, among others). Still, Grant pulled it all together and the team won games, often dominating their opponents. Successful players loved playing for Bud.


2)   Jerry Burns – Grant’s longtime offensive coordinator, sometimes credited with creating the “West Coast offense,” Burns’ record of 52-43 and .547 winning percentage land him in the second spot. Burns worked from 1986-1991, with a 3-3 post-season record. The 1987 team destroyed the Saints and 49’ers in the playoffs before Darrin Nelson’s dropped pass in the NFC championship game against the Redskins ended the Vikes’ season. That was as close to the Super Bowl as the Vikes and been in ten years, and as close as they would get for another eleven. The 1988 team dominated during the season with 9 players being selected to the Pro Bowl, before losing to the 49’ers in the playoffs. Burns was sometimes criticized for being hands-off, not wearing a head-set and delegating too much authority to his assistant coaches, like offensive coordinator Bob Schnelker – but come on Burnsie, even I knew when the offense lined up a certain way that there was going to be a “shotgun draw” running play. (Ironically Schnelker, while a player, scored the Vikings first touchdown on a pass from Fran Tarkenton in 1961). Unfortunately Burns was also stuck with the results of owner/general manager Mike Lynn’s ridiculous Herschel Walker trade, and also should have been named head coach when Grant first retired in 1983 (another dumb move by Lynn, who instead named Les Steckel head coach). Most Vikings liked playing for Burnsie, and his teams’ success can’t be ignored.


3)   Dennis Green – Most fans, even his critics, would place Green behind Grant in the number two slot on this list. His 97-62 regular season record, a .610 winning percentage, is certainly impressive. His first season in 1992 saw the Vikings improve to an 11-5 record, which is definitely an accomplishment, considering the shambles the team had been in at the end of 1991. I started to dislike Dennis in 1993 when he dumped offensive coordinator Jack Burns and made his pal Brian Billick coordinator. As the years went on Green surrounded himself with his cronies as assistant coaches, a couple of which were roundly criticized by players as unqualified (see defensive backs coach Richard Solomon). While his teams were playoff contenders every year, Green could hardly be considered a smart judge of talent. Even though he bragged about his “projects” they never amounted to much (offensive lineman Bernard Daffney, defensive end James Harris, among others) and this whole “coach’em up” concept is something I think can be silly and also annoys me about coaches in general. Who knows why, but Green didn’t get along with All-Pro guard Randall McDaniel, which is another thing I don’t get about coaches who never played professionally. If the guy is a great player…what’s your problem? Green dumped quarterbacks Rich Gannon and Brad Johnson, who both went on to have outstanding careers and won Super Bowls with Oakland and Tampa Bay, respectively. Instead Green chose to go with journeyman Sean Salisbury, washed up Jim McMahon, and choker Randall Cunningham as his quarterbacks at various points. (There’s no way Cunningham was going to repeat his 1998 performance in 1999). His drafting of defensive end Demetrius Underwood in the first round in 1999 was absurd, and not being aware of the late Korey Stringer’s physical condition in training camp in 2001 is inexcusable. While he didn’t miss the kick or make any of the stupid plays that cost the Vikings the NFC championship game against the Falcons after the 1998 season, “taking a knee” with the league’s best offense on the field with time left on the clock before halftime is unbelievable. Losing that game…all these years later, it’s still too much to think about.


4)   Mike Tice – Tice did a decent job with the players he had, posting a 32-33 record and .492 winning percentage with a 1-1 playoff record that included a huge win against the Packers in 2004. Although he did make some questionable decisions in terms of player personnel, he probably would have gotten better with experience if he had stayed on the job. While maybe he wasn’t the right fit for the Vikings at the time, Tice seemed to be open with the media, and also reminded fans to “enjoy the season.”  He seemed pretty organized and I think he’d make a good head coach somewhere, even though former Vikes punter Mitch Berger reportedly referred to him as a “meathead” and he was implicated in a ticket scalping scam that cost him a $100,000 fine.


5)   Norm Van Brocklin – the first Vikings coach, his 29-51-4 record and .363 winning percentage don’t impress. Didn’t seem to be much of a judge of talent. Especially since he had a good quarterback in Fran Tarkenton but didn’t utilize him in the right way, or maybe just refused to. I’m assuming Van Brocklin’s in the Hall of Fame based on his career as a NFL quarterback in the 1950’s. Can’t be for anything he did with the Vikings, since he did nothing.


6)   Leslie Frazier – It doesn’t seem like Frazier was in charge for three and a half seasons; it also feels like his 22-31-1 won-loss record should have been better. Unfortunately he came into a chaotic situation, had little talent on the roster, and had a number of key players get injured during each season. Frazier seemed to delegate too much authority to coordinators who were conservative play callers.


7)   Brad Childress – most fans would probably place Childress fourth on this list, after Grant, Green, and Burns. To me he doesn’t deserve to be ranked any higher, only lower. His 39-35 record and .527 winning percentage is misleading. The only reason the Vikings won a lot of games in 2009 is because Brett Favre had a great season. I knew the Vikes were in trouble when a few weeks after Childress was hired in 2006 I read in an interview that he’d rather draft a quarterback from a smaller school, “knock the edges off, and then in a few years you’ve got something.” Good grief. These coaches and their projects. It’s ridiculous. Childress was not a keen judge of talent; a lot of the players he had a hand in drafting or signing were not very good. Just look at the mess the team is in at the end of the 2011 season. He referred to the offense he designed as a “kick-ass offense” but it was usually more like the Vikings kicking themselves in the ass. I should probably blame the Wilfs, the owners who hired Childress in the first place. They brought him in to “clean things up and restore order” after the Love Boat scandal and other shenanigans going on the clubhouse, but in the end there was more turmoil and chaos with Childress in charge (see the Randy Moss trade/release and loss of a draft pick). In an interview former quarterback Gus Frerotte stated that Childress absolutely refused to allow his quarterbacks to call an audible at the line of scrimmage; Frerotte noted that now, as a high school coach, he even lets his quarterbacks call audibles. The thing that bothers me a lot though is the 12th man on the field fiasco at the end of the NFC championship game against the Saints after the 2009 season. Yes, the coaches don’t miss the blocks and tackles, fumble the ball, throw the interceptions, or miss calls like the referees do.  But the penalty for having 12 men on the field…12 men on the field? That was just too much. How could that happen? Not to mention, you’ve got 23 assistant coaches helping you…and there’s 12 guys on the field? That is still unreal to me. To Childress’ credit, he did take responsibility for that disaster at a press conference in the days following the game. Oh well. So close to going to the Super Bowl, and yet another missed opportunity. In retrospect, the Wilfs could have went after Sean Payton or Mike McCarthy – both of whom became head coaches in 2006 as well and later went on to win Super Bowls with the Saints and Packers, respectively. Nice.


8)   Les Steckel – probably the only worse season than 2011 in the Vikings history is 1984. Steckel’s old-school coaching methods turned off players from the start. Yelling like a marine drill sergeant didn’t work with professional football players. Players were worn out before midseason from all the hitting in training camp and practices. Steckel also made many questionable player personnel decisions, starting guys who wouldn’t have made other teams’ rosters. His 3-13 record included the Vikings being completely blown out on the field in some games. Les gained some measure of redemption in an odd way the following year in 1985. After being fired as the Vikings head man he became receivers coach for the New England Patriots – and went with them to Super Bowl XX. Seems like everyone gets a chance to go to the Super Bowl, except for the Vikings.