Belleville, NJ: How Our Tax Money Is Wasted in the Municipal Court System

Belleville, NJ: How Our Tax Money Is Wasted in the Municipal Court System

An experience with the municipal court system in Belleville New Jersey shows how time and tax money is wasted, and how a town mistreats its senior citizens

My father had always kept his car parked on the street in front of his house in Belleville, NJ. Not in front of anyone else’s house, mind you. His second car was kept in the garage. When I visited recently I noticed the old car in front of the house was gone. I asked him what happened to it, and being 82 years old, he said to me, “They towed it away, they said I donated it.” Of course, this is not what happened. Among some papers on his desk I found a parking ticket that read “abandoned motor vehicle.”

I called the chief of police who said neighbors had complained that the car was parked in front of the house (his house, not theirs, I remind you. I guess some people have nothing better to do than look out their windows and get into other people’s business). Then he said, “Well, the town has an ordinance that says a car can’t be parked in the same spot for 48 hours.” So I guess the cops in Belleville have too much time on their hands, being that they spent their time writing parking tickets to senior citizens. No wonder property taxes are so high in New Jersey. Too many cops doing nothing.

The chief said he was sent written warnings, about not moving the car. Well that isn’t true. They sent nothing, because I went through my father’s mail every day, and they never sent any warnings. Then the chief said, just go to court, and they’ll dismiss the ticket. (Okay…but then why did you write it in the first place?)

So I went to the impound lot and had the car hauled away for $300, which I had to give to the impound lot owners, for their towing fee. The car was still running, but since my mother wasn’t driving anymore, there was no need for my father to keep and maintain two cars. Then I scheduled a court date to contest the $260 abandoned motor vehicle ticket.

So I go to the municipal court in Belleville and meet with the prosecutor, who gives me a silly song and dance about how he can’t recommend dismissing the ticket, blah, blah, blah. Nevermind that my father lived in Belleville, his entire life as a law abiding citizen, and paid thousands of dollars in property taxes during the past 50 years. Nevermind that there was no written warnings about the car, and nevermind that he’s 82 and probably didn’t comprehend that there was some obscure ordinance about not leaving a car in the same spot for longer than 48 hours. (By the way, there were no marks on the tires when I found it at the impound lot, so the cops had no proof that the car was parked there for a certain amount of time).

Finally I stood up and said to the wormy prosecutor, “Forget it, I’m just going to pay the ticket and go to the media with my story, about how Belleville treats their senior citizens.” Of course, now the prosecutor says, “Don’t do that, we’ll call the cop and try to reach a settlement.”

So we go in front of the municipal court judge, a guy named Zinna, to ask for a new date, and this judge rambles on about nonsense…where’s your father, I don’t know if we can do this, blah, blah, blah. This from a guy, like all municipal court judges in New Jersey, has his own private law practice but moonlights on the side as a judge in order to get into the state pension system and milk the taxpayers for money. Finally he relents and we have a new court date, three weeks later.

So I go to court on the new date – and there’s a new prosecutor! I start to explain the situation, and after fifteen seconds he cuts me off with “I’m just going to ask the judge to dismiss this.” He hustles into the courtroom, I follow him, and he asks the judge to dismiss the ticket. I see that it’s the same judge, Zinna, from three weeks prior, the one who grumbled and groaned about setting a new date for a conference. Zinna says, “This is a minor issue. Case dismissed.”

Wouldn’t it have made more sense just to dismiss the ticket the first time? Wouldn’t have made more sense for the cops to ask my father if there was anyone helping with things, and could you give them this warning letter about the car parked in front of the house? No. Instead these fools waste my time and tax money with their silly shenanigans. Political nonsense. Right wingers rage about too much government at the federal level, when the reality is there’s too much government at the local level. Anyone who writes a parking ticket to senior citizen for a car parked in front of his own house ought to be ashamed of himself. All the problems in the world, and this is what cops, prosecutors, and judges are spending their time and our tax money on? It’s a disgrace.



Belleville, NJ: How Our Tax Money Is Wasted in the Municipal Court System

Belleville, NJ: How Our Tax Money Is Wasted in the Municipal Court System

An experience with the municipal court system in Belleville New Jersey shows how time and tax money is wasted, and how a town mistreats its senior citizens

My father had always kept his car parked on the street in front of his house in Belleville, NJ. Not in front of anyone else’s house, mind you. His second car was kept in the garage. When I visited recently I noticed the old car in front of the house was gone. I asked him what happened to it, and being 82 years old, he said to me, “They towed it away, they said I donated it.” Of course, this is not what happened. Among some papers on his desk I found a parking ticket that read “abandoned motor vehicle.”

I called the chief of police who said neighbors had complained that the car was parked in front of the house (his house, not theirs, I remind you. I guess some people have nothing better to do than look out their windows and get into other people’s business). Then he said, “Well, the town has an ordinance that says a car can’t be parked in the same spot for 48 hours.” So I guess the cops in Belleville have too much time on their hands, being that they spent their time writing parking tickets to senior citizens. No wonder property taxes are so high in New Jersey. Too many cops doing nothing.

The chief said he was sent written warnings, about not moving the car. Well that isn’t true. They sent nothing, because I went through my father’s mail every day, and they never sent any warnings. Then the chief said, just go to court, and they’ll dismiss the ticket. (Okay…but then why did you write it in the first place?)

So I went to the impound lot and had the car hauled away for $300, which I had to give to the impound lot owners, for their towing fee. The car was still running, but since my mother wasn’t driving anymore, there was no need for my father to keep and maintain two cars. Then I scheduled a court date to contest the $260 abandoned motor vehicle ticket.

So I go to the municipal court in Belleville and meet with the prosecutor, who gives me a silly song and dance about how he can’t recommend dismissing the ticket, blah, blah, blah. Nevermind that my father lived in Belleville his entire life as a law abiding citizen, and paid hundreds of thousands of dollars in property taxes during the past 50 years.


Nevermind that there was no written warnings about the car, and nevermind that he’s 82 and probably didn’t comprehend that there was some obscure ordinance about not leaving a car in the same spot for longer than 48 hours. (By the way, there were no marks on the tires when I found it at the impound lot, so the cops had no proof that the car was parked there for a certain amount of time).

Finally I stood up and said to the wormy prosecutor, “Forget it, I’m just going to pay the ticket and go to the media with my story, about how Belleville treats their senior citizens.” Of course, now the prosecutor says, “Don’t do that, we’ll call the cop and try to reach a settlement.”

So we go in front of the municipal court judge, Frank Zinna, to ask for a new date, and this judge rambles on about nonsense…where’s your father, I don’t know if we can do this, blah, blah, blah. This from a guy, like all municipal court judges in New Jersey, has his own private law practice but moonlights on the side as a judge in order to get into the state pension system and milk the taxpayers for money. Finally he relents and we have a new court date, three weeks later.

So I go to court on the new date – and there’s a new prosecutor! I start to explain the situation, and after fifteen seconds he cuts me off with “I’m just going to ask the judge to dismiss this.” He hustles into the courtroom, I follow him, he asks the judge to dismiss the ticket, and the same judge from the three weeks prior, Frank Zinna,  who grumbled and groaned about setting a new date for a conference, says, “This is a minor issue. Case dismissed.”

Wouldn’t it have made more sense just to dismiss the ticket the first time? Wouldn’t have made more sense for the cops to ask my father if there was anyone helping with things, and could you give them this warning letter about the car parked in front of the house? No. Instead these fools waste my time and tax money with their silly shenanigans. Political nonsense.



Right wingers rage about too much government at the federal level, when the reality is there’s too much government at the local level. Anyone who writes a parking ticket to senior citizen for a car parked in front of his own house ought to be ashamed of himself. All the problems in the world, and this is what cops, prosecutors, and judges are spending their time and our tax money on? It’s a disgrace.


On top of all of this, I had to pay $300 to get the car towed from Belleville’s impound lot.  Thanks for taking good care of your senior citizens, Belleville.



Yankees GM Cashman is over-rated

It’s a wonder how New York Yankees general manager Brian Cashman keeps his job. His most recent quote of “I don’t have anybody who is untouchable, but some guys are more touchable than others. At the end of the day, I am legitimately open to any idea. I’ve had a lot of bad ones, either thrown by me or on the receiving end from somebody else to me. That’s what we’re here for; to throw a lot of crap out there and see what sticks” makes me believe that myself, or anyone really, could work as a general manager of a major league baseball team and have the same results at the end of the season as so-called professionals such as Cashman have.

Trading catcher John Ryan Murphy for Twins outfielder Aaron Hicks wasn’t a bad deal, but Cashman and the Yankees would be foolish to deal any of their top prospects, such as shortstop Juan Mateo, outfielder Aaron Judge, and first baseman Doug Bird, among others. Let’s keep these guys and see what they can do on the field, starting during the 2017 and 2018 seasons. Players signed to big contracts, such as Carlos Beltran, really haven’t done much, so why not take a chance on a prospect?

New baseball book available at

New baseball book available at

New baseball book available at

THE PERFECT GAME is a novel for middle grade readers. It is about a twelve year old boy’s roller coaster experience while playing one season of organized baseball.

It is available in Kindle at Amazon for 99 cents, as well as at Smashwords and Barnes & Noble.

Click here for details:

Joey Coltasanti, nicknamed “the professor” by his father, is ambivalent about playing his last year in summer league. A shortstop, he loves baseball and longs to realize his dream of making the town’s all-star team, and then winning enough games to advance to the state’s world series. However to reach this goal he must overcome his own anxiety that blocks his talent from shining through on the field.

Internal concerns are not the only obstacles in Joey’s path. He also has to deal with Mr. K, the coach of his team for the past two years. Mr. K uses sarcasm and intimidation with his players, as well as favoring his own son over Joey and his teammates. Added to the mix is Joey’s new neighbor and friend, twelve year old Mindi. A saxophone-playing member of Mensa, she is also a pitcher in the summer league who mows down opposing hitters with a blazing fastball and pinpoint control.

Joey decides to play, with events during early season contests testing his will to continue. Eventually a tumultuous game involving adults who can’t seem to grow up leads to changes in the league. A benevolent new coach arrives in town, and things begin to turn around for Joey and his underdog teammates. Eventually joining forces with Mindi on the all-star team, Joey moves closer to fulfilling his dream.

Advancing to the state’s world series means finding innovative ways to win pressure packed games, which leads to Joey confronting his fears on the field. Ultimately he learns more about winning, losing, and the exciting game that is baseball.

New baseball book available at

New baseball book available at

THE PERFECT GAME is a novel for middle grade readers. It is about a twelve year old boy’s roller coaster experience while playing one season of organized baseball.

It is available in Kindle at Amazon for 99 cents, as well as at Smashwords and Barnes & Noble.

Click here for details:

Joey Coltasanti, nicknamed “the professor” by his father, is ambivalent about playing his last year in summer league. A shortstop, he loves baseball and longs to realize his dream of making the town’s all-star team, and then winning enough games to advance to the state’s world series. However to reach this goal he must overcome his own anxiety that blocks his talent from shining through on the field.

Internal concerns are not the only obstacles in Joey’s path. He also has to deal with Mr. K, the coach of his team for the past two years. Mr. K uses sarcasm and intimidation with his players, as well as favoring his own son over Joey and his teammates. Added to the mix is Joey’s new neighbor and friend, twelve year old Mindi. A saxophone-playing member of Mensa, she is also a pitcher in the summer league who mows down opposing hitters with a blazing fastball and pinpoint control.

Joey decides to play, with events during early season contests testing his will to continue. Eventually a tumultuous game involving adults who can’t seem to grow up leads to changes in the league. A benevolent new coach arrives in town, and things begin to turn around for Joey and his underdog teammates. Eventually joining forces with Mindi on the all-star team, Joey moves closer to fulfilling his dream.

Advancing to the state’s world series means finding innovative ways to win pressure packed games, which leads to Joey confronting his fears on the field. Ultimately he learns more about winning, losing, and the exciting game that is baseball.

Minnesota Vikings’ coach Mike Zimmer looking through rose-colored glasses

Minnesota Vikings head coach Mike Zimmer has always been one to say it like it is, and I’ve appreciated him for that in the past year and a half.  However, last week he told reporters that he had no concerns at all about the offensive line.


That may be the first time I’ve heard him glossing over a real issue. With center John Sullivan out for at least two months and tackle Phil Loadholt out for the season, this means that journeyman Joe Berger will play at center and rookie fourth round draft pick T.J. Clemmings playing right tackle in place of the injured Phil Loadholt, not being concerned doesn’t sound genuine. These situations, along with guard Brandon Fusco playing on the left side of the line for the first time in his career after three years on the right side, and Mike Harris, a tackle for his entire career, playing right guard for the first time, really would give any coach cause for concern.  Sullivan and Loadholt were average players to begin with, so their replacements are undoubtedly a step down.


The offensive line may be the most important group on a football team. You have to protect your quarterback when he’s passing and open holes for your running backs.  Switching players around and having rookies fill in is risky.


Hopefully the Vikings’ opponents this season won’t have stellar defensive lines, otherwise this team might be looking at another losing season.

Mets pitcher Harvey, agent Boras are being ridiculous

Mets pitcher Matt Harvey doesn’t deserve to wear the uniform of a professional baseball player. On the advice of his dumb agent Scott Boras Harvey is limiting the innings he will pitch for the remainder of the season and post-season in order to – theoretically – protect his arm for future seasons.

Well, what if the Mets, or any other team that he pitches for someday, never end up in a pennant race again? Harvey could spend the rest of his career pitching for mediocre teams. If that’s what he wants, then he’s hardly a competitor. He should just go out and get a regular job like the rest of us.

Scott Boras is hardly one to give advice. Players should know he’s only about money. He doesn’t really care about what’s best for them, only what’s best for himself.

Harvey owes an apology to all Mets fans.  Or he just get out there and pitch, and help the team win, in the regular season and the playoffs.

Sports are becoming too much about entertainment and not enough about competition.

New baseball book available at

New baseball book available at

THE PERFECT GAME is a novel for middle grade readers. It is about a twelve year old boy’s roller coaster experience while playing one season of organized baseball.

It is available in Kindle at Amazon for 99 cents, as well as at Smashwords and Barnes & Noble.

Click here for details:

Joey Coltasanti, nicknamed “the professor” by his father, is ambivalent about playing his last year in summer league. A shortstop, he loves baseball and longs to realize his dream of making the town’s all-star team, and then winning enough games to advance to the state’s world series. However to reach this goal he must overcome his own anxiety that blocks his talent from shining through on the field.

Internal concerns are not the only obstacles in Joey’s path. He also has to deal with Mr. K, the coach of his team for the past two years. Mr. K uses sarcasm and intimidation with his players, as well as favoring his own son over Joey and his teammates. Added to the mix is Joey’s new neighbor and friend, twelve year old Mindi. A saxophone-playing member of Mensa, she is also a pitcher in the summer league who mows down opposing hitters with a blazing fastball and pinpoint control.

Joey decides to play, with events during early season contests testing his will to continue. Eventually a tumultuous game involving adults who can’t seem to grow up leads to changes in the league. A benevolent new coach arrives in town, and things begin to turn around for Joey and his underdog teammates. Eventually joining forces with Mindi on the all-star team, Joey moves closer to fulfilling his dream.

Advancing to the state’s world series means finding innovative ways to win pressure packed games, which leads to Joey confronting his fears on the field. Ultimately he learns more about winning, losing, and the exciting game that is baseball.

New baseball book available at

New baseball book available at

THE PERFECT GAME is a novel for middle grade readers. It is about a twelve year old boy’s roller coaster experience while playing one season of organized baseball.

It is available in Kindle at Amazon for 99 cents, as well as at Smashwords and Barnes & Noble.

Click here for details:

Joey Coltasanti, nicknamed “the professor” by his father, is ambivalent about playing his last year in summer league. A shortstop, he loves baseball and longs to realize his dream of making the town’s all-star team, and then winning enough games to advance to the state’s world series. However to reach this goal he must overcome his own anxiety that blocks his talent from shining through on the field.

Internal concerns are not the only obstacles in Joey’s path. He also has to deal with Mr. K, the coach of his team for the past two years. Mr. K uses sarcasm and intimidation with his players, as well as favoring his own son over Joey and his teammates. Added to the mix is Joey’s new neighbor and friend, twelve year old Mindi. A saxophone-playing member of Mensa, she is also a pitcher in the summer league who mows down opposing hitters with a blazing fastball and pinpoint control.

Joey decides to play, with events during early season contests testing his will to continue. Eventually a tumultuous game involving adults who can’t seem to grow up leads to changes in the league. A benevolent new coach arrives in town, and things begin to turn around for Joey and his underdog teammates. Eventually joining forces with Mindi on the all-star team, Joey moves closer to fulfilling his dream.

Advancing to the state’s world series means finding innovative ways to win pressure packed games, which leads to Joey confronting his fears on the field. Ultimately he learns more about winning, losing, and the exciting game that is baseball.

Belleville, NJ: How Our Tax Money Is Wasted in the Municipal Court System

An experience with the municipal court system in Belleville New Jersey shows how time and tax money is wasted, and how a town mistreats its senior citizens

My father had always kept his car parked on the street in front of his house in Belleville, NJ. Not in front of anyone else’s house, mind you. His second car was kept in the garage. When I visited recently I noticed the old car in front of the house was gone. I asked him what happened to it, and being 82 years old, he said to me, “They towed it away, they said I donated it.” Of course, this is not what happened. Among some papers on his desk I found a parking ticket that read “abandoned motor vehicle.”
I called the chief of police who said neighbors had complained that the car was parked in front of the house (his house, not theirs, I remind you. I guess some people have nothing better to do than look out their windows and get into other people’s business). Then he said, “Well, the town has an ordinance that says a car can’t be parked in the same spot for 48 hours.” So I guess the cops in Belleville have too much time on their hands, being that they spent their time writing parking tickets to senior citizens. No wonder property taxes are so high in New Jersey. Too many cops doing nothing.
The chief said he was sent written warnings, about not moving the car. Well that isn’t true. They sent nothing, because I went through my father’s mail every day, and they never sent any warnings. Then the chief said, just go to court, and they’ll dismiss the ticket. (Okay…but then why did you write it in the first place?)
So I went to the impound lot and had the car hauled away for $300, which I had to give to the impound lot owners, for their towing fee. The car was still running, but since my mother wasn’t driving anymore, there was no need for my father to keep and maintain two cars. Then I scheduled a court date to contest the $260 abandoned motor vehicle ticket.
So I go to the municipal court in Belleville and meet with the prosecutor, who gives me a silly song and dance about how he can’t recommend dismissing the ticket, blah, blah, blah. Nevermind that my father lived in Belleville, his entire life as a law abiding citizen, and paid thousands of dollars in property taxes during the past 50 years. Nevermind that there was no written warnings about the car, and nevermind that he’s 82 and probably didn’t comprehend that there was some obscure ordinance about not leaving a car in the same spot for longer than 48 hours. (By the way, there were no marks on the tires when I found it at the impound lot, so the cops had no proof that the car was parked there for a certain amount of time).
Finally I stood up and said to the wormy prosecutor, “Forget it, I’m just going to pay the ticket and go to the media with my story, about how Belleville treats their senior citizens.” Of course, now the prosecutor says, “Don’t do that, we’ll call the cop and try to reach a settlement.”
So we go in front of the municipal court judge to ask for a new date, and this judge rambles on about nonsense…where’s your father, I don’t know if we can do this, blah, blah, blah. This from a guy, like all municipal court judges in New Jersey, has his own private law practice but moonlights on the side as a judge in order to get into the state pension system and milk the taxpayers for money. Finally he relents and we have a new court date, three weeks later.
So I go to court on the new date – and there’s a new prosecutor! I start to explain the situation, and after fifteen seconds he cuts me off with “I’m just going to ask the judge to dismiss this.” He hustles into the courtroom, I follow him, he asks the judge to dismiss the ticket, and the same judge from the three weeks prior, the one who grumbled and groaned about setting a new date for a conference, says, “This is a minor issue. Case dismissed.”
Wouldn’t it have made more sense just to dismiss the ticket the first time? Wouldn’t have made more sense for the cops to ask my father if there was anyone helping with things, and could you give them this warning letter about the car parked in front of the house? No. Instead these fools waste my time and tax money with their silly shenanigans. Political nonsense. Right wingers rage about too much government at the federal level, when the reality is there’s too much government at the local level. Anyone who writes a parking ticket to senior citizen for a car parked in front of his own house ought to be ashamed of himself. All the problems in the world, and this is what cops, prosecutors, and judges are spending their time and our tax money on? It’s a disgrace.