Top 10 TV Action Heroes of All Time

TV Guide recently released its list of the 24 greatest action heroes on TV in the history of the medium. Here is one viewer’s opinion of the 10 best action heroes on TV of all time, based on too many years of watching television…

The Top 10 TV Action Heroes of All Time

10) The Lone Ranger (Clayton Moore, The Lone Ranger, ABC, 1949-1957)
9) Wonder Woman (Lynda Carter, Wonder Woman, ABC, 1975-1979)
8) Xena (Lucy Lawless, Xena the Warrior Princess, syndicated, 1995-2001)
7) Nikita (Peta Wilson, La Femme Nikita, USA, 1997-2001)
6) Emma Peel (Diana Rigg, The Avengers, ABC, 1961-1969)
5) Jaime Somers (Lindsay Wagner, The Bionic Woman, ABC/NBC, 1976-1978)
4) Steve Austin (Lee Majors, The Six Million Dollar Man, ABC, 1973-1978)
3) MacGyver (Richard Dean Anderson, MacGyver, ABC, 1985-1992)
2) Superman (George Reeves, The Adventures of Superman, syndicated, 1952-1958)
1) Batman (Adam West, Batman, ABC, 1966-1968)

Yankees’ Girardi needs to give better answers at his press conferences

It’s going to be a long summer for Yankees’ manager Joe Girardi. “I don’t believe guys forget to hit in a year” has been his stock answer to reporters after games this season. I guess he doesn’t want to admit that maybe the real answer is “Some guys’ skills erode in a year and they can’t do it anymore.”

Carlos Beltran has been hampered by a bad elbow. Still, it’s hard to make excuses for a guy who has a .155 batting average with runners in scoring position. Brian McCann was never as good as Yankee brass insisted – comparing him to Thurman Munson was unfair, since McCann has never hit .300 and driven in 100 runs or more for three years in a row like Munson did.

Alfonso Soriano just isn’t same player anymore; neither is Brian Roberts, Derek Jeter, or Ichiro Suzuki. To expect these guys to hit like they did ten years ago is unrealistic. It isn’t that they have forgotten how to hit. It’s just that they can’t do it the same way anymore due to their advancing age.

The Yankees came into the night with 326 runs scored, 20th in the majors. You are what your record says you are, so unless guys start hitting a lot better, their current 41-41 record will be 81-81 when the 2014 season comes to a close.